Red Light Weight Loss
Lose 1-3 Inches in 25 Minutes with Red Light Therapy…on Your First Visit!
Lasting results and quickly reducing fat cells size with Red Light Therapy is where we start, but…
-Are you ready to lose inches in your first visit?
-Are you ready to walk into a room with confidence and free of judgement?
-And improve your health for yourself, your family, and your future?
-Are you ready to lose those pounds and keep them off for the long haul?

How does it work?
We use a technology known as Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT).
This light energizes and heats fat cells opening up the cell’s pores. Once open, all the contents of the fat cells including fatty acids, glycerol, and water are carried into the Lymphatic System and removed permanently from the body.
It can be compared to a grape-like fat cell transforming into a raisin-like fat cell.
It was discovered that the light energy activates the same cellular energy as with exercising but to a much greater extent. Fat cells expand to their maximum ability and stay that way for up to 48 hours or more. People continue to lose fat and toxins for days after their treatment. The light energy also stimulates collagen production and promotes increased circulation.
Do patients need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen?
The protocol associated with our system involves simple to follow directions, but does not require a strict diet or strenuous exercise. As with any type of weight modifying program, diet and exercise will have an effect on the results, specifically if a person does not make an attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Specific supplements (individually recommended), a small amount of exercise and a recommended level of water consumption will help with lymphatic stimulation to optimize results! The Low Level Light protocol can help to motivate a person and jump start a person’s determination to improve his or her appearance, making it much easier to attain his or her goals!”

What’s included in my first visit?
-Initial Consultation & Wellness Evaluation
-Precise Body Metrics (before & after session)
-1 Whole Body Red Light Session (Face, Chin, & Neck Rejuvenation Included)
-Evaluation of Immediate Results Post-Session
If you’re in the Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti, MI area, contact Velocity Health Center to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mark Sicheneder today.
Find out how ongoing chiropractic for families can help you and your loved ones lead exceptional lives.
with Dr. Mark Sicheneder at Velocity Health Center in Ypsilanti.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.